What are reversals and how are these “upside down” cards used in a reading? The Oracle Soup sistas dish out a variety of ways to partake in the application of reversed cards while referencing some excellent resources, listed below. Pull up a chair and taste these delectable morsels of wisdom.
The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals, Mary K. Greer
Learning Tarot Reversals, Joan Bunning
Another wonderful offering, fabulous conscious friends:-) Phases of the moon – LOVE it:-) I would love to hear different methods you use to select the cards for a reading? Who knew there would be may alternatives? As a beginner Mah Jongh player, I realized that the way one builds the wall of tiles is just a way of shuffling that affects the draw and the game. All synchronous anyway— remembering that coincidence they say is Divinity’s way of remaining anonymous:-)
Hi Heather,
So glad this podcast was useful for you. We love receiving suggestions and will certainly add your idea to the mix. I happen to really like the topic of selecting cards for it has so many symbolic implications.
In Spirit,
Oracle Soup sistas
Dear Heather,
Thank you for your fabulous topic request. Oracle Soup just posted a new podcast on picking a card. Hope you enjoy!!